5. INSTAR Filmfestival, Tag 2


Im Rahmen des 5. INSTAR Filmfestivals, München, zeigt VS von 1. bis 3. November 2024 eine Retrospektive des unabhängigen chinesischen Kinos in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Chinese Independent Film Archive (CIFA).

14:00 Uhr

An Asian Ghost Story
(2023, Regie: Bo Wang, Hong Kong – Niederlande, 37 Min., OmeU)

Ein filmisch und konzeptionell einfallsreicher Film, der sich anhand des massiven Exports von Perücken während des Kalten Krieges mit den quälenden Erinnerungen an die Modernisierung Asiens im späten 20. Jahrhundert auseinandersetzt. In jeder Perücke wohnt jedoch ein Geist aus der imperialen Vergangenheit.
A cinematic and conceptually inventive film that explores the haunting memories of Asia’s late 20th-century modernization through the large-scale export of wigs during the Cold War. Yet, in every wig resides a ghost from the imperial past.

Bo Wang is a Chinese artist, filmmaker and researcher based in Amsterdam. His works have been exhibited internationally, including venues like Guggenheim Museum and Museum of Modern Art (New York), Garage Museum (Moscow), International Film Festival Rotterdam, CPH:DOX (Copenhagen), Image Forum Festival (Tokyo), Visions du Réel (Nyon), LUX & Open City Documentary Festival (London), DMZ Docs (South Korea), and Para Site (Hong Kong), among many others. He received a fellowship from the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar in 2013, and was an artist-in-residency at ACC-Rijksakademie from 2017 to 2018 as well as at NTU CCA in 2016.

15:00 Uhr

The Memo
(2023, Regie: Badlands Film Group, China, 30 Min., OmeU)

The Memo ist ein Videotagebuch des Filmemacher-Paars während des surrealen Lockdowns, als die beiden in einer kleinen Mietwohnung in Shanghai festsaßen. Angesichts des endlosen Wahnsinns löst die Kamera sich allmählich vom Fenster und beobachtet eine in der Geschichte Chinas beispiellose soziale Isolation.
This is a video diary of the surreal lockdown made by the filmmaker couple who were trapped in a small, rented apartment in Shanghai. In the face of endless madness, the camera gradually breaks free from the window and observes a vast social isolation unprecedented in China’s history.

Badlands Film Group is an experimental documentary group founded by Yang Xiao and Chen Sisi in 2020. Their latest film, The Memo, won the Best Documentary Short Film at the 60th Taipei Golden Horse Awards.

16:00 Uhr

(2023, Regie: Jin Jiang, China-Singapore, 107 Min., OmeU)

Eryang und seine Freunde, die in der Republic ein- und ausgehen, führen ein sorgloses Leben. Sie rauchen und trinken tagein, tagaus, spielen Musik und reden unter den psychedelischen Lichtern über ihre Ideale. Sie verschwenden ihre Tage mit Leidenschaft, wie Motten, die schnurstracks in die Flammen fliegen. Sie wirken auf uns wie der Inbegriff der Jugend. Die Republic nimmt auch obdachlose „Cosmos Brothers“ auf, die oft wochenlang bleiben. Sie scheinen kein Zeitgefühl und keine Alltagssorgen zu haben. Es stellt sich jedoch eine beunruhigende Erkenntnis ein (…)
Eryang and his friends who come and go at Republic live a carefree life. Day in and day out, they smoke, drink, play music, and talk about their ideals under the psychedelic lights. They waste their days with passion, like moths flying straight into flames. In them we see the epitome of youth. Republic also takes in homeless “Cosmos Brothers” who tend to stay for weeks. There seems to be no concept of time or real-life worries. But here comes a disturbing finding: their reckless revelries are mainly supported by Eryang's heavy online loans. It becomes a vicious circle that the debts are repaid by more loans. A change in himself must be taken against the realities, and meanwhile what will Republic’s future be… Filmed at a secret place in the center of Beijing, Republic reveals an unexplored facet of contemporary China.

Jin Jiang was born in Luoyang, Henan Province (China) in 1989. In 2010, he was introduced to contemporary arts, and in 2013, his first solo exhibition “In the Field of Hope” was held. In 2015, he was hired to participate in the shooting and editing of a film, and in 2016, he began to make a film on his own. His film “Shang’ajia” earned the Grand Jury Prize at the 14th Beijing Independent Film Festival.